ProClean Services, Inc. specializes in Dry Cleaning, Laundry Services, Area Rug Cleaning, as well as shoe/ Sneaker cleaning. Our philosophy is to give our clients the best value for their investment. We are committed to excellence, honesty, reliability, quality and saving. ProClean Services Inc. offers clients the best of both worlds: price and quality service. When you use ProClean Services Inc. you realize why our customers are happy to stay with the company you can depend on.

ProClean Service Inc. is located in Santa Rosa and serves all of Sonoma County. We are a family owned and operated Cleaning Service with Dry Cleaning and Wash & Fold Service, where you can be assured of quality, great service and customer satisfaction every time.
The owners Frank & Veronika Beyer assure quality, great service and customer satisfaction every time.
Quality service begins with quality people. We are committed to providing our clients with carefully selected, fully trained, and highly motivated service staff.